Friday, November 10, 2006

Uncle Chang

Well...the list wouldn´t be completed without Uncle Chang, the man we have been working for these past 5 months. Different opinions about him among many different people...We felt part of his family and felt pretty closed to him. Or that´s what we thought. We feel very thankful to him because it was him who gave us our first opportunity. What happened next it´s a different story but we will not write about it here. It is not our style, so just let´s pretend everything was perfect until the end...or that´s what we like to think.


Anonymous said...

Siempre hay un tio Chang en alguna parte, es una broma! Es tan popular como el Rodriguez, García, Smith, Martinez, etc.

Mundominoritario said...

Cierto! Aunque algunos mas curiosos que otros. Si te contáramos...

Anonymous said...

You might not remember me, Keri Mau, but I dove with the company around July. Your next blog says that Ros and Awang were forced to the reason something that you're allowed to say?? I'm very curious, pardon my doing so. And is Jason still there too?? I for got to get his email address....!! If you can, please write back to me at
I miss diving with you all!!

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